Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Write a Claim Letter for a Business
Step by step instructions to Write a Claim Letter for a Business Guarantee letters are utilized to make guarantees because of unacceptable work or items by organizations that host gotten another get-together to finish work. For instance, if an organization re-appropriates creation of a section required for a last item and is unsatisfied with the contractual workers work, that organization will compose a case letter to request predominant items. In that capacity, guarantee letters have an exceptionally formal and genuine tone. Utilize the suggestedâ phrasesâ and model letter beneath to display guarantee letters for use in your own business exercises. The accompanying letters make claims against unacceptable work. You can discover various sorts of business letters and the manual for additional refine your business English letter composing abilities. Helpful Key Phrases As somebody who has worked with ...we were exceptionally baffled to discover/see/have found ...As our composed understanding specified, we expected ...I figure you will concur that a correspondence issue exists.We might want you to ...à or give us a discount. Model Letter Drivers Co.3489 Greene Ave.Olympia, WA 98502August 17, 2001 Richard Brown, PresidentDocument MakersSalem, MA 34588 Dear Mr. Earthy colored: As somebody who has worked with your organization for more than 3 years, we were baffled to see the records you delivered for our most recent Drivers Co. exposure battle. As our composed understanding specified, we expected full-shading pamphlets with extravagant logical writings, however rather, we found that high contrast photographs had been remembered for the readied flyers. I figure you will concur that a correspondence issue exists. We might want you to convey a picture taker to furnish us with the guaranteed shading coverageâ or furnish us with a discount. Yours really, (signature here) Thomas R. Smith,Director TRS/lj For additional sorts of business letters, utilize this manual for various kinds of business letters to refine your abilities for explicit business purposes, for example, making requests, modifying claims, composing introductory letters, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
H?w to S?y Y?ur? Overworked without Sounding Lik? Youre Whining
H?w to S?y Y?ur? Overworked without Sounding Lik? Youre Whining âC?m?l?ining d??? not w?rk ?? a ?tr?t?g?. W? ?ll h?v? finite tim? ?nd ?n?rg?. Any time w? ???nd whining i? unlik?l? t? h?l? u? ??hi?v? ?ur g??l?. And it w?nt make us happierâ Randy P?u??h, Th? L??t Lecture On a serious n?t?, n?b?d? likes a whiner, but ?till, that doesnât mean you should hurt yourself working for your boss.These d??? it seems lik? m??t ????l? h?v? t?? mu?h on th?ir plate. Ev?r??n? ??m?l?in? ?b?ut f??ling ?v?rw?rk?d.If that is the case, h?w do you t?ll your b??? ??u h?v? t?? much t? d? without sounding like you are complaining?No one wants to ??m? across ?? l?z?, uncommitted, not a team ?l???r or a whiner,so h?w ??n you protect your im?g? as a hard w?rk?r whil? saying âI am over workedâ?Ju?t ?? w? are ?l??r, telling ??ur b??? ??uâr? ?v?r w?rk?d i? v?r? diff?r?nt fr?m ?n???ing ?t him ?r h?r âI can ?nl? do ?n? thing ?t a tim?â while slaming the door is completely different from âI ?nl? h?v? two h?nd?, ??u kn?w right,â?nd âHey, wh?t d? I l??k like? Superman?âwhile smiling at both instances.Also, ??u d? h?v? a responsibility t? t?ll ??ur b??? ??uâr? ?v?rw?rk?d. Itâs ??ur j?b to t?ll the truth, and ??ur b???â? j?b t? li?t?n t? you. Tr?ing t? ????m?li?h th? im????ibl? i? a r??i?? f?r failure and di???t?r??ur? as well as the companyâs.Itâ? ?v?n possible ??ur b??? i?nât aware ?f the weight ?f ??ur w?rkl??d. Th? ârewardâ f?r a d???nd?bl? ??hi?v?r is often to be given m?r? w?rk. So no offence, if ??u ?r? ?v?r w?rk?d, you ?r? probably very good ?t ??ur j?b.âM?r? men are killed b? overwork th?n the im??rt?n?? th? w?rld ju?tifi??â Rud??rd Ki?ling, The Ph?nt?m Rickshaw ?nd Oth?r Ghost StoriesWH?T DO EX??RT? SAY ABOUT FEELING OVERWORKED No m?tt?r h?w busy ??u are, it ??n f??l ?x???dingl? difficult t? t?lk t? ??ur b??? ?b?ut your heavy w?rkl??d.The reason i? tw?f?ld, ????rding t? Juli? M?rg?n?t?rn, productivity ?x??rt ?nd author ?f N?v?r Ch??k E-M?il in th? M?rning.Fir?t, you may w?rr? th?t b? saying ??m?thing youâ re going t? lose ??ur job. âIn the b?tt?m ?f your b?ll? is this f??ling th?t if ??u canât h?ndl? th? work, th?r?â? someone ?l?? wh? can; ??u feel dispensable,â ?h? ????.S???nd, âth? natural t?nd?n?? i? to think, âI ?m n?t working h?rd ?n?ugh, ?m?rt ?n?ugh, or efficiently ?n?ugh. I should b? ?bl? t? handle thi?.â S? you ?uff?r in silence.But d?ing ?? i? dangerous f?r ??ur ??r??r, ???? Li?n? D?v??, cofounder ?f 3COze Inc. ?nd ?uth?r ?f You Fir?t: In??ir? Your Team t? Gr?w Up, G?t Al?ng, ?nd G?t Stuff D?n?. âY?u ?v?r commit because ??u ?r? ?mbiti?u? or ??u w?nt t? im?r??? your boss, but then wh?n ??u f?il t? deliver â" or d?liv?r work th?t i? ru?h?d or ?f ???r ?u?lit? â" it ??nd? a m????g? that you ?r? n?t r?li?bl?.âS? when you feel ?n?w?d und?r, ??u r??ll? ?h?uld l?t ??ur m?n?g?r know.Why do we feel over w?rk?d? Science factsM?n?g?r? want ?m?l????? t? put in long days, r????nd t? their emails at all hours, and willingl? donate their ?ff-h?ur? â" night?, w??k?nd?, v???ti?n â" without ??m?l?ining.Ov?rw?rk ?????d?? from th? top of th? organizational ??r?mid t? th? b?tt?m.At l???t, thatâs ?n? narrative ?f overwork.In this version, we w?rk l?ng h?ur? because ?ur b????? t?ll u? to. (Th?tâ? th? v?r?i?n m??t ?n di??l?? N?w Y?rk Times ??u? ?n Am?z?n).But th?r? are other ?x?l?n?ti?n? ?ut there.Th?r?â? ?n?th?r that says ?ll ?f us, in?luding ??ni?r m?n?g?r?, ?r? basically fl?t??m buff?t?d ?b?ut b? the eddies of ???n?mi? in??ntiv?, corporate culture, ?nd technologies that k??? th? ?ffi?? ju?t a t?? ?w??.In this version, thereâs n? one really di?t?ting the norms; w?âr? all ju?t r???ting to m??r? f?r??? beyond ?ur ??ntr?l.More th?n half ?f U.S. employees f??l overworked or overwhelmed ?t least some ?f th? tim?, ????rding t? a n?ti?n?l study r?l????d today, and 70 ??r??nt ??? th?? ?ft?n dream ?f h?ving a different j?b.Thi? study ?ugg??t? that m?n? Am?ri??n ?m?l????? ?r? near th? br??king ??int â" w? h??? that thi? will be th? ?l?ri?n call th?t bring? th? i??u? ?f overwork to th? ?tt?nti?n ?f bu?in??? l??d?r? and ??li??-m?k?r? thr?ugh?ut th? ??untr?, ??id Ellen Galinsky, ?r??id?nt ?f th? non-profit Families and W?rk In?titut?, whi?h ?ubli?h?d th? ?tud?.Th? ?urv??, whi?h consisted ?f ?h?n? int?rvi?w? of 1,003 U.S. ?dult workers, ??id th?t 28 percent often or v?r? often felt ?v?rw?rk?d. Th? same ?m?unt r???rt?d f??ling ?v?rwh?lm?d b? their j?b? ?ft?n ?r v?r? ?ft?n, ?nd 29 ??r??nt said they often or very ?ft?n f?lt th?? h?d no tim? t? r?fl??t ?n their w?rk.Agrees With E?rli?r P?llAn survey f?und ?imil?r r??ult? f?r a similar question ????d in late March, wh?n 26 ??r??nt ?f more th?n 1,000 r????nd?nt? ??id th?? w?r? w?rking t?? hard.Th? Families ?nd W?rk In?titut? ?tud? showed that h?w much time workers spent ?n the j?b â" ?nd wh? th?? w?rk?d long hours â" ?ff??t?d feelings ?f ?v?rw?rk.Ab?ut ?n?-?u?rt?r ?f r????nd?nt? ??id they w?rk?d 50 or m?r? hours a week, whil? 22 ??r??nt ??id th?? w?rk?d ?ix t? seven days a week.A ?u?rt?r ??id they d?nt u?? ?ll ?f th?ir v???ti?n time, whi?h ???m?d to have ?n effect on h?w the w?rk?r? feel: 55 ??r??nt of ?m?l????? who did not t?k? all their v???ti?n r???rt high l?v?l? ?f feeling ?v?rw?rk?d versus 27 ??r??nt ?f those who d? u?? ?ll of th?ir v???ti?n d???.When ?m?l????? ??id they w?rk?d long h?ur? du? t? ?xt?rn?l f??t?r?, ?u?h ?? ?m?l???r d?m?nd, th?? r???rt?d m?r? f??ling? ?f overwork, compared t? th??? employees who said th?? w?rk?d l?ng hours f?r ??r??n?l or fin?n?i?l r????n?.Women r???rt?d feeling more ?v?rw?rk?d than m?n, and baby b??m?r?, ?r w?rk?r? between 36 ?nd 54, ??id they f?lt more ?v?rw?rk?d th?n th??? younger ?nd ?ld?r.R?g?rdl??? ?f g?nd?r ?r age, th??? who ??id th?? f?lt overworked w?r? m?r? likely t? n?gl??t th?m??lv??, l??? ?l???, ?nd r???rt high l?v?l? ?f ?tr???, ?nd less likely to f??l ?u?????ful in their ??r??n?l ?nd f?mil? r?l?ti?n?hi??.Th?n th?r?â? the version th?t l??k? ?t our ????h?l?g?. In thi? ?n?, w? l?g t?? m?n? hours b???u?? of a mix ?f inn?r driv?r?, lik? ambition, machismo, gr??d, ?nxi?t?, guilt, ?nj??m?nt, ?rid?, th? pull ?f short-term r?w?rd?, a desire to prove w?âr? important, ?r ?n overdeveloped sense of dut?.S?m? ?f these are negative (eg, guilt, anxiety) but many ?r? positive. In fact, multi?l? researchers h?v? ??tu?ll? f?und that w?rk is less ?tr???ful th?n ?ur home liv??. F?r some, work ??n be a h?v?n, a ?l??? t? f??l confident ?nd in ??ntr?l.Basically, if ??u think ?f the ?t?r? ?f ?v?rw?rk ?? M?b?-Di?k, th? fir?t ?x?l?n?ti?n f??u??? ?n Ah?b and th? P??u?d; the ????nd ?n the ????n itself; ?nd th? l??t ?n th? wh?l?.And ?lth?ugh looking at th? story fr?m all ?f those diff?r?nt perspectives i? ??rt?inl? more illuminating than choosing only one, it w?nât t?ll you wh?th?r M?b?-Di?k i? a g??d b??k or ju?t a 700-??g? d??r?t??.D??? ?v?r w?rking ?n ?m?l???? r??ll? make any difference?So the bigg?r ?u??ti?n w? h?v? to ??k ?ur??lv?? ?b?ut overwork is n?t ju?t âWh? i? t? bl?m??â but a m?r? b??i? one: âD??? it w?rk?âIs ?v?rw?rk actually doing wh?t we ???um? it d??? â" r??ulting in more ?nd b?tt?r ?ut?ut? Are w? actually getting more d?n??Thereâs a l?rg? b?d? ?f research th?t ?ugg??t? th?t r?g?rdl??? ?f ?ur r????n? f?r w?rking l?ng hours, ?v?rw?rk does n?t h?l? u?.For starters, it doesnât ???m t? r??ult in more ?ut?ut.In a study ?f ??n?ult?nt? by Erin R?id, a ?r?f????r at B??t?n Universityâs Qu??tr?m School ?f Bu?in???, managers could n?t t?ll th? diff?r?n?? b?tw??n employees wh? actually worked 80 hours a w??k ?nd those wh? ju?t ?r?t?nd?d t?.Whil? m?n?g?r? did ??n?liz? employees wh? w?r? transparent about w?rking less, R?id w?? not ?bl? to find ?n? evidence th?t th??? ?m?l????? ??tu?ll? ????m?li?h?d l???, ?r ?n? ?ign that th? overworking employees ????m?li?h?d more.Considerable ?vid?n?? ?h?w? th?t ?v?rw?rk i? n?t just n?utr?l â" it hurt? us ?nd the ??m??ni?? w? w?rk for. Num?r?u? ?tudi?? b? Marianna Virt?n?n ?f th? Finnish In?titut? of O??u??ti?n?l H??lth and h?r colleagues (?? w?ll as ?th?r ?tudi??) h?v? f?und th?t overwork and th? r??ulting ?tr??? can lead t? all sorts ?f h??lth ?r?bl?m?, in?luding impaired sleep, d??r???i?n, h??v? drinking, di?b?t??, im??ir?d memory, ?nd h??rt di?????. Of course, th??? are b?d ?n th?ir ?wn.But theyâre also terrible f?r a companyâs b?tt?m lin?, showing up ?? ?b??nt??i?m, turn?v?r, ?nd ri?ing h??lth in?ur?n?? ???t?.Even the S?r??gi??t ?f employers, wh? ??r?d n?thing f?r his ?m?l?????â w?ll-b?ing, should find ?tr?ng ?vid?n?? h?r? th?t there ?r? r??l b?l?n??-?h??t ???t? incurred wh?n ?m?l????? l?g ?r?z? hours.If ??ur j?b relies on interpersonal communication, m?king judgment ??ll?, reading other ????l?â? f????, ?r m?n?ging ??ur ?wn ?m?ti?n?l reactions â" ?r?tt? mu?h ?ll things that th? modern office requires â" I have m?r? bad n?w?. R????r?h?r? h?v? f?und th?t ?v?rw?rk (?nd it? ????m??n?ing ?tr??? ?nd ?xh?u?ti?n) ??n make ?ll ?f these thing? m?r? diffi?ult.Even if you ?nj?? your j?b ?nd work l?ng h ours voluntarily, ??uâr? simply more lik?l? to make mi?t?k?? wh?n ??uâr? tir?d â" and m??t of us tir? more ???il? th?n w? think w? d?.Only 1-3% of th? ???ul?ti?n can ?l??? fiv? ?r ?ix h?ur? a night without suffering some ??rf?rm?n?? dr??-?ff.Moreover, for ?v?r? 100 ????l? wh? think theyâre a m?mb?r of thi? ?l???l??? ?lit?, only fiv? ??tu?ll? are. Th? research ?n the performance-destroying ?ff??t? of sleeplessness alone ?h?uld m?k? ?v?r??n? ??? the folly ?f th? ?ll-night?r.H?W T? S?Y Y?UâR? OVERWORKED WITH?UT SOUNDING LIK? Y?UR? WHININGOverwork can lead to f??ling overwhelmed.While ??u may l?v? ??ur job, ??u may want m?r? fr?m lif? such ?? tim? with ??ur f?mil?, fri?nd? or hobbies th? thing? you work for. S??r?? resources can l??v? everyone ?v?rwh?lm?d ?nd un?w?r? ?f ??m??n? elses ?itu?ti?n.B?f?r? ??u ?n??, find ??ur calm and let your b??? kn?w exactly wh?t is ?n your ?l?t?.Ph?n? a friend/ ??ll??gu?S?m?tim?? ju?t t?lking ?b?ut wh?tâ? b?th?ring you ??n h?l? ??u f??l b?tt?r about your ?itu?ti?n. Thi? doesnât m??n th?t ??u embark on an endless rant th?t ?ll?w? you to ??m?l?in ?b?ut ?v?r?thing in your lif? thatâs wr?ng. H?w?v?r, ??u ??n giv? a fri?nd ?r colleague a ??ll and ?utlin? th? problem with ??ur w?rkl??d. If you fr?m? it up ?? a ?r?bl?m th?t you know can be ??lv?d, r?th?r than a n?-h?ld?-b?rr?d vent ????i?n, it will h?l? b?th of you t? t?k? a ??luti?n f??u??d ???r???h t?w?rd th? conversation. Ideally, ?ft?r your fri?nd ?r ??ll??gu? h?? ?n understanding ?f ??ur situation, th?? can offer r??l-lif? insight ?n what ??u ??n d? t? d?l?g?t? ??m? work, discuss th? ?itu?ti?n with ??ur b???, ?r ?ff?r ?ugg??ti?n? on h?w t? just make it thr?ugh th? ?h?ll?ng?? that your workload and schedule are thr?wing ??ur way. A tru?t?d ??ll??gu? or friend ??n ?l?? give ??u th? ?u?h ??u n??d to have a ?h?ll?nging ??nv?r??ti?n with ??ur b???, ?r giv? ??u the h?n??t f??db??k th?t right n?w you ju?t n??d t? ?u?k it u?.1. M?k? sure the timing i? rightOut of the blue i? n ?t th? right tim? t? t?ll ??ur b???.A ?ubj??t thi? ??ri?u? d???rv?? ??m? planning.Y?u w?nt to build your ???? and ?r???nt it ?t a time when ??u ?r? ??lm ?nd collected, ?nd your boss has tim? to li?t?n.S?h?dul? a meeting with your boss t? di??u?? ??ur w?rkl??d. Keep ??ur attitude ???itiv?. A????? your ?itu?ti?n ?nd the possibility th?t ??u could b? ?t the root ?f th? ?r?bl?m.Rul? out procrastination, poor time m?n?g?m?nt and l??k ?f ?kill b?f?r? you bring the issue t? ??ur b??? f?r h?l?.âYou ??n create ??m?thing th?t i? ?ur? g?niu?, but you have t? g?t ??ur timing rightâ L?ng L??v, S?d Girl?2. D?nât ??m?l?inItâs 90% ?b?ut how things sound and only 10% ?b?ut wh?t ??uâr? really ???ing.You can ?x?l?in about ??ur h??v? w?rk l??d without whining ?nd ??unding lik? ??u ju?t d?nât w?nt t? work h?rd. Pr???nt ??ur ??n??rn ?? a solvable i??u? ?? ??u and ??ur b??? ??n discuss a mutually beneficial ??luti?n.3. Pr?gr???/ Pr?j??t ??????m?ntOne w?? to ???r???h your b??? with a di??u??i? n about ??ur workload i? t? ask t? sit d?wn ?nd r?vi?w your ?r?j??t?/?ri?riti??.Oft?ntim?? a ?u??rvi??r w?nât understand wh? ??uâr? the fir?t one in ?nd th? last t? l??v? because th?? only understand a fr??ti?n of wh?t ??u have on your ?l?t?.If ??u ??n t?k? 30 minut?? t? w?lk ??ur boss through ??ur workload, ??u ??n talk ?b?ut what is more ?h?ll?nging th?n ??u anticipated, the r???ur??? youâre using, the r???ur??? ??u need to get ??ur ?r?j??t? ??m?l?t?d more ?ffi?i?ntl?, and ?x?l?in wh? ??u n??d h?l?.The ?nl? challenge with thi? approach i? if ??ur b??? b?li?v?? that ??ur w?rkl??d i? n?t an overwhelming ?r????iti?n, and wonât give ??u m?r? r???ur??? th?n wh?t ??uâr? already working with. If thatâs th? response fr?m your b???, you will need t? be ready t? ??lv? the issue f?r ??ur??lf, ?nd th?t ju?t might b? launching your job ???r?h.If ??uâv? b??n feeling thi? way f?r m?nth?, ?nd are dr??ding this conversation, ??rt of it ?r?b?bl? has t? d? with your ?wn insecurity and ??lf-d?ubt. You m?? b? f??ling lik? if ??uâr? h?ving thi? conversation that youâre f?iling, ?nd if youâre failing, your b??? can find someone who ??n h?ndl? thi? w?rkl??d.H?w?v?r, kn?w th?t m??t ????l? are t?? hard ?n th?m??lv??. Th?? l?t th?ir f??r driv? th?ir d??i?i?n m?king in?t??d ?f ??king f?r wh?t th?? d???rv? t? b? h???? ?t w?rk ?nd ?t h?m?.4. B? ????ifi? ?nd g?t t? th? pointâA ?r?bl?m w?ll-?t?t?d is a ?r?bl?m h?lf-??lv?d.â Thi? ?dvi?? from Charles Kettering, f?rm?r CEO of G?n?r?l M?t?r?, hits the n?il on th? h??d. Ev?n if h?â? th? b???, your m?n?g?r m?? n?t n??????ril? be ?kill?d at w?rking thr?ugh personal ?r?bl?m? and determining their r??t ??u???. S?v? him the tr?ubl? ?nd get t? th? b?tt?m of thing?.This means ??inting out ?x??tl? wh?t things ?r? w?ighing ??u d?wn ?r getting in th? w?? of your d??-t?-d?? fun?ti?n?. Id?ntif? those th?t you think ??u ??n ??ntinu? to perform ?ff??tiv?l? ?nd th??? th?t ?r? b?tt?r off d?l?g?t?d to others.5. A?k For HelpEv?n if it f ??l? like you ?r? th? only ?n? w?rking hard, it i? b?tt?r t? assume th?t ?th?r? ?r? w?rking ju?t as hard. Avoid ??m?l?ining. Tell ??ur boss how mu?h ??u v?lu? ??ur j?b. A?k f?r guid?n??.M??t with your boss and ask for h?l? to ?ri?ritiz? ?nd m?n?g? your workload. Share th? ?m?unt ?f tim? ??u are inv??ting ?nd th? m?unting r????n?ibiliti?? th?t await ??u ???h d??.Put your b??? in th? driv?r? seat ask h?r f?r id??? ?r ??luti?n?. You might ?lr??d? kn?w how th? ?r?bl?m ??uld b? solved, but it i? b?tt?r if ??ur b??? think? it is h?r id??.6. Communicate Fr??u?ntl?On?? ??u have t?ld ??ur b??? about ??ur w?rkl??d, r?m?in in fr??u?nt ?nd r?gul?r ??mmuni??ti?n. Discuss ??ur w?rkl??d w??kl? if ????ibl?. K???ing ??ur b??? in the l??? ?nd inv??t?d in a ??luti?n ?h?uld w?rk t? ??ur f?v?r.Y?ur boss will become aware ?f h?w mu?h you d? ?nd can h?l? ??u ?ri?ritiz? thing?. Sh? ?l?? h?? the ??w?r t? r????ign t??k? if ?h? ?gr??? ??u h?v? too mu?h w?rk.7. Av?id C?m??ring ?r BlamingNo m?tt?r what ??u thi nk you kn?w, ?r wh?t ??u think you see, ?v?id blaming ??ur colleagues or comparing w?rkl??d?. A? ???n ?? ??u ?t?rt playing thi? g?m?, ??m??n? is going t? lose ?nd it could b? ??u.If you think a ??ll??gu? has t?? mu?h fr?? time while ??ur plate i? t?? full, ask him to h?l? you with ??m?thing. But ?v?id accusing him ?f n?t w?rking.Thi? will ?nl? m?k? the w?rk?l??? m?r? ?tr???ful ?nd ?r??t? n?w ?r?bl?m?. Y?ur w?rkl??d i? ??m?thing th?t should be r???lv?d between ??u and your b??? k??? th? rest of th? ?ffi?? ?ut of it.8. B? ObjectiveIf you ?r? a g??d ??rf?rm?r ?nd a ??n?i?t?nt ?n?, ?nd happen to ?u?h b??k some w?rk du? t? work ?r???ur?, it w?nât ?h?w u? b?dl? on ??u.âTh? k?? i? t? b? ?bj??tiv? and fair in ??ur ?v?lu?ti?n ?f the w?rkl??d. Although it may ???m ?v?rwh?lming, b????? feel ??mf?rt?d when their ?m?l????? ?r? tr?n???r?nt ?b?ut th?ir work pressure, ?m?ti?n? ?t w?rk ?nd ?u???rt that th?? seek,â ??id S?b?Adil, chief people officer ?t A?g?n Life Insurance.9. B? r??d? with ?? luti?n?C?m? t? the discussion t?bl? with a few proposals ?n how t? fix ??ur w?rkl??d issues.Th? r????n wh? ??uâv? d??id?d to ?it down with the b??? i? t? ultimately ?nh?n?? the ?ut??m?? ?f ??ur w?rk, ?? be r??d? with ?n?w?r? to questions lik?:Is th? work ??u are doing ?im?l? t?? ?v?rwh?lming f?r ?n? ??r??n t? und?rt?k? within a r????n?bl? time fr?m??Ar? ??u lacking the ???r??ri?t? r???ur??? to carry out th? job?Will ?xt?rn?l ?u???rt h?l? ??u ??v? tim? without r??ll? ?dding u? t? cost?Will furth?r ?du??ti?n ?r tr?ining h?l? you d? a b?tt?r j?b in l??? time?Th?r? could be a l?t more ?u??ti?n? th?t can h?l? ??u ?rriv? at th? b??t ??luti?n?, but th? ones w? mentioned h?r? ?r? th? m??t ??mm?n ones.On the bright ?id?, if youre ?v?rw?rk?d th?n chances are ??ur boss h?? a l?t ?f f?ith in ??u. It may also mean th?t your boss i? ?v?rw?rk?d himself.Y?u ??n turn a n?g?tiv? into a ???itiv? b? ?ugg??ting ??luti?n? to ??ur ?un?h li?t ?f ?r?bl?m? during ??ur m??ting with ??ur b???. D?m?n?tr?t? t? him that you take ??ur r????n?ibiliti?? seriously and identify potential ??luti?n? f?r ???h ?r?bl?m.T?ll your b??? th?t ??u w?nt to m?k? him l??k good ?nd di???v?r t?g?th?r the b??t w?? t? ????m?li?h that g??l.Case Study #1: Off?r ??luti?n? and be open t? ?dvi??A ???r int? h?r job as vice ?r??id?nt ?f product ?tr?t?g? ?t C?ridi?n, Li?? St?rling was promoted t? ?hi?f ????l? ?ffi??r ?f th? Minn????li?-b???d provider ?f hum?n r???ur??? software. At th? tim?, th? ?l?n w?? for her t? d? b?th jobs at once.But ?ft?r a f?w m?nth? Lisa w?? ?v?rwh?lm?d b? the workload. She knew ?h? n??d?d t? talk t? h?r b???, D?vid Ossip, Ceridianâs CEO, but ?h? was n?rv?u?. âIâd never gone to a m?n?g?r before and ??id, âH?l? m?,ââ ?h? explains. âW? w?rk?d well together, but I had thi? f??r th?t [h?] w?uld second-guess hi? decision [to ?r?m?t? m?] ?nd f??l th?t I w??nât u? t? th? j?b.âLi?? b?g?n th? ??nv?r??ti?n b? ?t?ting what she âund?r?t??d t? be the prioritiesâ ?f the ?rg?niz?ti?n. Sh? w?nt?d t? m?k? ?ur? ?h? w?? ?l??r about wh?r? David wanted h?r to focus. N?xt, ?h? presented him with a âth?r?ugh listâ of th? different ?r?j??t? ?h? w?? involved in on b?th th? product side ?nd th? HR ?id?. âTh?n I shared wh?r? I th?ught I w?? m?king g??d ?r?gr??? ?nd wh?r? I thought w?? ?truggling,â ?h? says.Finally, Lisa ?ff?r?d ??m? ????ibl? solutions. âThi? i? the advice I giv? t? m? t??m: âIf ??uâr? g?ing t? ??m? t? m? with a problem, m?k? ?ur? ??uâv? thought ?b?ut h?w ??u w?uld solve it if ??u w?r? sitting in m? chair.ââIn thi? ????, Lisa ?ugg??t?d ????ifi? ?rg?niz?ti?n?l initiatives th?t ??uld g? on the back burn?r ?nd certain product r?l????? th?t ??uld b? t?m??r?ril? d?l???d. An?th?r idea w?? t? hir? a director of ?r?du?t ?tr?t?g? th?t w?uld t?k? ?v?r a portion ?f h?r responsibilities.H?r b??? lik?d b?th r???mm?nd?ti?n?. H? ?l?? gave h?r some g??d coaching ?nd ?dvi?? ?b?ut leadership. âH? t?ld me th?t ?? I ?r?gr??? in m? career, m? job is less ?b ?ut day-to-day management and m?r? ?b?ut developing my t??m,â she ????. âI realized th?t I w?? inv?lv?d in t?? many things. I n??d?d to im?r?v? m? d?l?g?ti?n ????biliti?? and g?t out ?f th? way so m? t??m members ??uld d? their j?b?.âLi?? i? glad ?h? ???k? u?. âIt w?? eye-opening f?r m?,â she says. âIf I h?dnât ??k?d for h?l?, I n?v?r w?uld h?v? gotten thi? ?x??utiv?-l?v?l ????hing.â10. Be O??n t? S?luti?n?Even if ??u go int? ??ur b???â? ?ffi?? and know wh?t ??uâr? ??king f?r, ??u might n?t get it. Y?u might get ??m?thing ?v?n b?tt?r than wh?t ??uâr? asking for, but ??u wonât know th?t until ??u ??k, ?nd ??tu?ll? li?t?n to th? ??luti?n ??ur b??? provides.If ??u are ?nl? willing t? ?????t th? ??luti?n ??u ?r?????, ??u ??n ??m? ??r??? as ?ingul?rl? f??u??d, rigid, ?nd unwilling t? be a t??m ?l???r. If you d?nât like what ??ur b??? ?r?????d, ?x?l?in what i??u?? ??uâll still be d??ling with as a result ?f th? proposed solution, ?nd di??u?? ??ur ?dditi?n?l n?? d?.H?ving th? âIâv? g?t so many thing? ?n m? ?l?t? I donât kn?w wh?t t? tackle fir?tâ ??nv?r??ti?n with ??ur b??? can ?trik? f??r int? the h??rt of ?v?n th? m??t ?????n?d ?m?l????. However, k??? in mind, your b??? w?nt? t? know wh?t i? k???ing you fr?m ??rf?rming at ??ur ???k l?v?l, ?nd h? or she will w?nt t? h?l? ??u. Understand th?t ??king f?r a reprieve every ?n?? in ?whil? d??? n?t reflect b?dl? ?n you, rather it does l?t ??ur b??? kn?w th?t h? ?r ?h? ??n trust you t? ????k u? wh?n itâs too much. Your excellent ??rf?rm?n?? d??? ????k for itself, ?nd ??mmuni??ting when ??u have a ?r?bl?m ?r t?? m?n? ?r?bl?m? fr?m tim? t? time ?h?uld only r?inf?r?? your understanding of ??ur j?b ?nd ?x???t?ti?n?. If you never ??k for help, ??uâll n?v?r give your boss the ????rtunit? t? help ??u ?u????d or h?l? ??u und?r?t?nd ju?t h?w v?lu?bl? you are to th?ir t??m.11. R?think Th? PrioritiesIt i? a good idea t? make a li?t of projects ??u ?r? w?rking on ?nd t??k? th?t need ??ur focus, a s well ?? th? hours th?t ??u will n??d to ?ut in.âC?n?ulting with ??ur m?n?g?r on priority li?ting for th??? tasks will give the m????g? that there is t?? mu?h ?n your ?l?t?,â ??id Adit?? Narayan Mishra, CEO ?f CIEL HR Services.In the end, always look f?rw?rd, n?t behindWhatâs d?n? is done ?? th?r?â? n? way t? go but f?rw?rd.F??u? ?n wh?t ??u ??n d? in the futur? rather than dw?ll ?n what you f?il?d t? d? in th? ???t.S? b? ?r???r?d to w?rk dilig?ntl? and m?n?g? ?x???t?ti?n? whil? ?triving to ??hi?v? a healthy w?rk-lif? b?l?n??, ?? you d?nât g?t burnt out again.C??? Stud? #2: Be h?n??t and u?-fr?nt â" ?nd willing to move ?n wh?n ??ur b??? is unr????n?bl?S?v?r?l ???r? ?g?, J?nin? Truitt worked as an HR ?????i?t? in a l?rg? hospital ???t?m. Th? organization, whi?h w?? b???d in New Yorkâs L?ng I?l?nd was r??idl? ?x??nding it? number ?f ?m?l????? each year, ?nd the HR d???rtm?nt could b?r?l? keep u?.âI w?? h?ndling ?v?r?thing fr?m ?ntr?-l?v?l ???iti?n? t? ?x??utiv? m?n?g?m ?nt positions ??r??? 10 f??iliti??,â J?nin? r???ll?. âM? b??? ?l?? h?d m? w?rking ?n special ?r?j??t? and workforce planning f?r hospital expansions.âAft?r working in health ??r? for n??rl? a d???d?, she w?? ?t a breaking ??int. But before going to h?r b???, ?h? talked t? h?r ?l????t ??ll??gu?? ?b?ut her workload. âS???king t? th?m was more for m?r?l ?u???rt th?n t? get concurrence on wh?th?r it w?? t?? mu?h,â ?h? ????. âE??h of m? ??ll??gu?? w?? ??rr?ing much less than I w?? ?nd f?lt sorry f?r m?.âSh? asked h?r dir??t?r f?r a m??ting t? discuss the matter and w?? u?fr?nt and fr?nk wh?n they ???k?. âI t?ld h?r I didnât f??l the current workload w?? sustainable,â she ????. âI w?? n?v?r concerned ?b?ut the r?mifi??ti?n? ?f ????king up, but I w?? ??n??rn?d ?b?ut l?tting d?wn my colleagues and ultim?t?l? th? ??ti?nt?.âJanine ?ugg??t?d several ????ibl? ways to improve th? ?itu?ti?n. F?r instance, ?h? ?ugg??t?d th?t a juni?r ?m?l???? could handle entry-level hir??, fr??ing her up t? f??u? ?n more-strategic ???iti?n?. She ?l?? ??k?d t? be br?ught int? expansion project ??nv?r??ti?n? ??rli?r in the process. âThat way I w?uld h?v? a h??d?-u? ?n th? n??d? ?nd b? better ?bl? t? ?t?ff th?m in th? future.âUnfortunately, the boss w??nât ???n t? any of h?r ideas. J?nin? w?? fru?tr?t?d ?nd again ??nfid?d in ??ll??gu??: âOne thing we did d? was to budd? u? when th?r? w?r? ?imil?r ???iti?n? t? b? fill?d in th? same f??ilit?. That h?l??d to r?li?v? some ?f th? burd?n.âStill, J?nin? says h?r plate âremained overflowingâ until th? day she t?nd?r?d h?r r??ign?ti?n. Today she i? th? ?hi?f inn?v?ti?n? ?ffi??r ?t T?l?nt Think Innovations, the bu?in??? ?tr?t?g? ?nd management consulting firm.She d???nât l??k back on her ?ld j?b f?ndl?, but ?h? did learn a v?lu?bl? l????n. âW?rkf?r?? ?l?nning i? th? ?n? ?f th? m??t im??rt?nt ??n?id?r?ti?n? in running ?n ?ffi?i?nt bu?in???,â she ????. âIf you w?nt t? k??? ??ur customer ?nd ?m?l???? r?t?nti?n high ?nd ??ur turn?v?r l?w, ??u n??d t? make ?ur? ??ur employees ?r?nât ??n?i?t?ntl? ?tr?t?h?d beyond what i? r????n?bl?.B?F?R? G?ING T? ??UR BOSS T? ??M?L?IN, HERE ?R? A F?W STEPS T? TAKE WH?N Y?UR W?RK STRESS G?T? T?? MU?H T? H?NDL?Process Tasks EffectivelyEvaluate h?w ??uâr? ??tu?ll? âd?ingâ your w?rk. Ar? ??u ?? efficient ?? ??u ??uld be (whil? ?till m?int?ining ?u?lit?, of course)? P?rh??? ??uâr? b?un?ing ?r?und fr?m ?n? thing to ?n?th?r, wasting tim? as ??u r?f??u?.P?rh??? ??uâr? b??ktr??king quite a bit, going to the ???i?r d?z?n? ?f tim?? a d?? instead ?f d?ing all ??ur ????ing at ?n??. Maybe ??uâr? d??ling with too many interruptions ?nd di?tr??ti?n?.Th? biggest ????t? ??u have ?r? tim? ?nd attention so make ?ur? youâre using these r???ur??? wisely. And r?m?mb?r: Th? m?r? ??u jum? ?r?und, the more inefficient ??u become. M?k? it a ??int to g?t âin th? z?n?â ?nd ?t?? th?r?.Ease Up On Th? C?ntr?l?S?m? people wh? take ?n t?? much ?r? ??rf??ti?ni?t? ?r b?li? v? th?t no one else ??n d? th? work ?? w?ll ?? they ??n. In?bilit? t? d?l?g?t? ?nd the n??d t? mi?r?m?n?g? are both ??th? to in?r????d ?tr??? and burn?ut.Itâs true th?t th? times wh?n ??uâr? most ?tr????d hardly make for th? best ??nditi?n? t? l??rn how t? tru?t ?th?r? b?tt?r, but that i? wh?n it ??unt?.S? instead of tr?ing t? ?v?rh?ul ??ur w?rking ?t?l? altogether, l??k f?r small, ?n?-tim? tasks ?r ?r?j??t? you can h?nd ?ff t? ?th?r? ju?t thi? once.Wh?tâ? one thing that w?uld be h?l?ful to t?k? ?ff ?f ??ur ?l?t? and wonât r??ll? m?tt?r if ??m??n? else d???nât do it ?x??tl? th? w?? you would? Delegating ?ff??tiv?l? is ?b?ut giving others ?n initi?l leeway t? f?il ?nd l??rn fr?m th?ir f?ilur?? before g?tting it right.Th?t isnât ????, but it h?l?? to remind yourself th?t tr?ing to handle everything ?n your ?wn brought you t? thi? ??intâ"whi?h i? a failure of a diff?r?nt sort.Remember th?r? have b??n ?th?r ?itu?ti?n? wh?r? ?th?r? t??k ??ntr?l and things turn?d ?ut fine. Th is can b? one ?f th??? ?itu?ti?n?, too.S?t Limit?A? mu?h as is ????ibl?, take ??ntr?l ?f th? ?itu?ti?n. D?nât ?ll?w people to keep piling th? w?rk on t?? ?f ??u if you kn?w ??uâr? dr?wning. Itâ? not fair t? them ?r ??u.Get comfortable ???ing ânoâ ?nd setting more r??li?ti? ?x???t?ti?n?. Ju?t recognize th?t ??u donât have endless capacity.If ??u continue ?????ting w?rk when youâre ?lr??d? ?v?rwh?lm?d, ??m?thingâ? going t? giv?. Youâll mi?? d??dlin??, r?du?? the ?u?lit? of ??ur w?rk, ?r run yourself ragged. Those ?r? ?ll bad ??ti?n?.A?k F?r H?l?S?m? ????l? ??? ??king f?r help ?? a ?ign of w??kn??? and will do anything t? ?v?id it. Lik? many behaviors th?t w?âv? learned, this one d???nât ??rv? u? w?ll when w?âr? f??ling m?x?d out.But the ????l? w? ??k for help ??ld?m ??? that as a ?ign of w??kn???â"m??t people ?r? m?r? than willing t? lend a hand wh?n it m?tt?r?.And m?k? n? mi?t?k?: A?king for ???i?t?n?? i? more than d?l?g?ting a t??k or tw?. Wh?n you d? th?t, ??uâr? basically ???ing, âIâm fin? with ?ll thisâ"just ?l???? d? that f?r m?.âSometimes th?t doesnât cut it: Y?u n??d t? ???, âLi?t?n, I n??d h?l? with all this, too.â C?m? to grips with th? f??t th?t m?king such a request will be uncomfortable at fir?t.Try ??king for a small amount of h?l? initially ?nd ??? what kind ?f impact that m?k??, then w?rk up t? requesting ???i?t?n?? with the bigger stuff, t??.Augment th? Ov?r?ll Pr?du?tivit? â" F??u? on Qu?lit?If ??u ?r? ?n important ??rt ?f the ?rg?niz?ti?n ??u w?rk f?r, r????n?ibiliti?? for ??ur role will d?finit?l? b? high ?nd expectations ?v?n high?r.But today, ???h ?nd ?v?r? ?n? working in ?n enterprise is ?n im??rt?nt ??rt with certain ?bj??tiv?? ?nd effect ?n th? ?v?r?ll ?r?du?tivit? of the ?rg?niz?ti?n.S? if ??u ?r? ?b?ut to ?u?h th? limit? furth?r, tr? staying within your responsibilities whil? ?dding to th? qualitative ?nd ?u?ntit?tiv? f??t?r? ?f ??ur specialization.S??ling ??ur tim? whil? at w?rk ??m?l?t?l? d??? nd? u??n ??u and on wh?t ??u love to do. A????ting r??u??t f?r meeting d??dlin?? of all ????i?liz?ti?n? i? unt?n?bl? and will ultimately result in longer pending checklists.As ??u ?r? l??king forward t? m?n?g? heavy w?rkl??d?, ??u should ?lw??? learn t? deliver ?u?lit? whil? ?r?fting them in time and b?f?r? d??dlin??.Sm?rt work is what ??ur ???r???h ?h?uld be, ?nd a crispy t?u?h of leadership within teams i? ?lw??? b?tt?r ?? you g?t t? build ?n ?ffi?i?nt t??m by ?ll???ting m?dul?? ?f w?rk to m?mb?r?.Trust th? Superior Wh?n Y?u Ar? N?t the Ex??rtWith a wid? array ?f tasks, ??u n??d t? understand the ?r????? ?f jum?ing in ?nd ?ut ?f r????n?ibiliti??. It is not ????nti?l th?t you n??d t? b? an ?x??rt in every field of work whi?h ??m?? in ?ut ?f ?ur?ri??. Though trying ?ut ?f th? box i? r??ll? g??d, m?n?g?m?nt of heavy w?rkl??d? ?t the ??m? tim? i? n??????r?.As the ??m??n? keeps ?x??nding ??u will g?t to face seasonal w?rk out of ??ur z?n? and it i? a ?r??ti??l ?itu?ti?n in every w?rk?l ???. But ?t tim?? wh?n ??u feel that ??u ?r? not acquainted with th? ??rt ?f j?b assigned, ??u ?h?uld n?t h??it?t? t? take h?l? fr?m your ?u??ri?r ?r the ?n? who i? already ?x??ri?n??d in th?t fi?ld.Interacting with m?mb?r? fr?m ?th?r teams not ?nl? h?l?? you ?t?? u?d?t?d, but also eases th? ??m?l?t? j?b with th? help ?f inf?rm?ti?n and r???ur???.If ??u think r?m?ining ?ui?t ?nd t?king time t? w?rk ?n th? ?r?j??t ?ut of your ????i?liz?ti?n will h?l? with ???r??i?ti?n, ??u are probably g?ing th? wr?ng w??. It will ?nl? waste tim? and k??? you stressed.S?t R??li?ti? D??dlin??Look at ??ur to-do list ?nd ??tim?t? h?w mu?h tim? ???h task requires. Dont set ??id? too mu?h or n?t ?n?ugh time. H?w?v?r mu?h tim? you d??id? â" ?ti?k to it. Kn?wing ??u ?nl? h?v? a ??t ?m?unt ?f tim? t? ??m?l?t? a t??k can k??? you f??u???d and ?r?v?nt you fr?m dr?gging ??ur feet. The ?nd result â" ??u g?t m?r? d?n? during the d??.Take Tim? OutWh?n w?âr? fru?tr?t?d, th? first thing w?âr? ?ft?n t?ld t? d? i? push our ?h?ir? back fr?m the t?bl? ?nd blow ?ff ?t??m. At w?rk, this i?nât ?lw??? so ?im?l?. Our n?tur?l urg? i? often ju?t to push h?rd?r. S?m?tim?? itâ? best to ?ut ?t??? ?n? thr?ugh thr?? in motion fir?t. Thi? w??, ??u ??n feel like ??uâr? ?lr??d? addressing th? i??u? before ??u let ??ur??lf take a br??th?r.It may seem ??unt?rintuitiv?, but after a ??rt?in tim? w?âr? simply unable t? f??u? ?ff??tiv?l?â"?nd that wind?w tends to ?h?rt?n wh?n w?âr? und?r int?n?? pressure. The m??t productive thing you ??n d? is ?t?? ?w?? fr?m ??ur w?rk t? r??h?rg? ?nd regenerate. Go f?r a w?lk, m?dit?t?, ?it ?ut?id? f?r half ?n hour ?nd ju?t d? n?thing. However ??u approach it, th? k?? i? t? take tim? t? sharpen ??ur mind wh?n ??u f??l it g?tting dull, ?v?rt?x?d, ?nd ineffective.Sit Back ?t Tim?? ?f Str??? ?nd RelaxIt ??und? v?r? ?im?l? and obvious but ??ld?m d??? it happen with ?ll of u?. Almost ?ll of u? h?v? a mi???n???ti?n th?t r?l?xing at the w?rk?l??? ??nv??? a negative m??ning but it is n?t th? truth. Wh?n ??u are d?di??t?d to delivering ??timum results, ??u n??d to freshen up every n?w ?nd th?n ?nd it i? ?uit? ?bvi?u? as ??u ?r? taking up pressure willingl?.For m?n?ging h??v? workloads when you ?r? through ?n important ???ignm?nt th? best way ?ut i? t? fl?w with ??m? mu?i? th?t w?uld ???th? ?ll ?tr????d m?m?nt? and will h?l? you regain th? in??ir?ti?n to move forward. Research has approved th?t music h?l?? ?t tim?? ?f stress. Taking long br??th?? f?r a whil? also helps r?fr??h and ??n b? a g??d ?tr?t?g? ?l?ng with a power nap at tim?? ?? ??u f??l ?tr????d ?ft?r prolonged h?ur? ?f hard w?rk.Ch??k In With P???l? Outside Of WorkOn? of th? thing? weâre ?ft?n tempted t? d? when we f??l w?rk ?tr????? m?unting i? ?hut ?ut ?ur friends ?nd families ?? w? can g?t ??ught u?. Bad m?v?.S??nding time with people wh? ??nât h?l? ??u kn??k ?ut your tasks and ?r?j??t? may ???m like a luxur? you d?nât h?v?, but itâ? thi? t??? ?f int?r??ti?n you ?r?b?bl? n??d th? m? ?t.Not ?nl? d? th?? ?r?vid? us with ?m?ti?n?l ?nd moral ?u???rt wh?n things donât w?rk ?ut, th?? can also ?ff?r ??m? h?l?ful ??r????tiv? ?r??i??l? b???u?? th?? donât have an in?id? vi?w ?n everything thatâs going ?id?w??? ?t th? ?ffi??.Admit D?f??t ?nd L??rn fr?m MistakesTh?r? ?r? ?h?n??? that ?n th? ?dd occasion you will f??l d?f??t?d for n?t being able t? ??hi?v? the t?rg?t? ?r f?r l??ing the r???.But this is th? r??lit? ?nd ?r??ti??ll?, it is a part ?f lif? ?? is f?r workplaces. But ?dmitting ?nd learning fr?m d?f??t? ?tr?ngth?n? ??ur kn?wl?dg? f?r future u??.On th? ?th?r h?nd, if you didnât accept th? d?f??t you will k??? tr?ing to fix the ?ld ?bj??tiv?? whi?h can never b? d?n? and h?n??, improvement will gr?du?ll? g? d?wn which i? n?t a ???itiv? factor f?r anyoneâs professional ??r??r.Th?r? are people wh? donât kn?w how t? ??? a âN?â, ?v?n if itâ? th? mu?h r??uir?d w?rd t? b? ?r?n?un??d. Ev?lu?t? ??ur t?rg?t? if th?? ?r? ??hi?v?bl? within the time limits ?nd i f ??u ??ri?u?l? f??l itâs not ??ur ?u? ?f t??, it is ?lw??? better to say âNoâ. H?w?v?r, be prepared with a v?r? g??d ?x?l?n?ti?n f?r the âNOâ.Y?ur manager will b? gl?d t? hear the truth rather th?n ???ing f?k? ??mmitm?nt?. S??ing âY??â t? impossible i? n?t wise ?nd will finally just ?dd t? ??ur workload, ?nd ??u w?nât b? ?bl? to manage it.G?t B??k Into Your R?utin??Wh?n w?rk-r?l?t?d ?tr??? build? u?, th? first thing? we push t? th? ?id?lin?? ?r? ?ur ?ut-?f-w?rk routines and rituals: ?x?r?i?ing, m?int?ining ?ur ???i?l r?l?ti?n?hi??, th? ??l? ??tiviti?? we d? t? unwind.The times when ??u m??t f??l ??u d?nât h?v? th? tim? t? d? th??? thing? i? wh?n itâs m??t important t? d? th?m. Y?u might n?t b? ?bl? to m?k? th?t standing dinner d?t? with your fri?nd? ?nd hit th? g?m, but you ??n ?r?b?bl? find a w?? t? d? ?n? ?f th?m.Guard th?t time ?nd resist th? t?m?t?ti?n to let it slide. R?mind ??ur??lf th?t your health, emotional well-being, and l?v?d ones ?r? m?r? im??rt?nt than anything ??uâv? g?t b??ring d?wn on you ?t workâ"and th?t reconnecting with th?m ??n h?l? ??u d??l with thing? a bit b?tt?r b??k ?t the office.M?n?g? the StressTh?r?â? n? way around it: Wh?n youâre overwhelmed by ??ur w?rkl??d, ?tr??? h????n?. D? wh?t you ??n to m?n?g? it. T?king r?gul?r br??k? thr?ugh?ut the d?? is ?r?b?bl? th? best thing ??u ??n d? f?r yourself.L?t me ??? that ?g?inâ¦TAKE BREAKS.If ??uâr? feeling guilt? ?b?ut t?king a br??k, l?t m? t?ll ??u something: Y?uâr? ?h??ting ??ur??lf in the f??t. Y?u ?im?l? cannot r?m?in ?r?du?tiv? f?r long ?tr?t?h?? with?ut giving ??ur??lf time to r?gr?u?. Ev?n if ??u just take fiv? minutes here and th?r? to sit in ?il?n??, the im???t on ??ur ?r?du?tivit? ?nd stress levels ??n b? huge.Spend th?t time outside getting fr??h air ?nd sunshine ?nd the benefit is even greater. Eat a balanced m??l ?nd ?n??k on healthy food ?nd (h??k!) ??u might ?v?n feel GOOD ?t th? ?nd ?f the d??! Im?gin? that!!L??tl?, d?nât forget to r?w?rd ??ur??lf f?r ?ll your h?rd w?rk. T?k? off ?n h?ur ??rl? ?n?? in a whil? and go get a pedicure. Y?ur to-do li?t will still b? th?r? wh?n you g?t b??k, I ?r?mi?? you.See below a short video on; How Mu?h W?rk I? T?? Mu?h W?rk
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on A Cup a Day Why Everyone Should Drink Coffee
Were you aware that the average American citizen consumes over 70 gallons of coffee per year? If so, you may be included in the 52% of Americans who make up this statistic, and that appreciates coffee as one of the most remarkable beverages in the history of the world. The delicious drink holds a great reputation for energizing those who indulge themselves with a cup of hot java. Coffee beans are very high in caffeine, a chemical that has tends to stimulate the brain, giving the consumer a sense of alertness and activity. Coffee has been enjoyed for centuries across the globe, and recent studies have discovered many newer qualities of this mystical black liquid. A nicely made cup of espresso has been proven to improve your state ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Mental power is one of the many strengths acquired by coffee drinkers, among many other benefits. Besides brains, a cup of joe also goes a long way in strengthening the human body beyond its coffee-lacking state. One example o f this enhanced bodily function caused by coffee is an increase in metabolism. Coffeeââ¬â¢s high levels of caffeine cause the heart rate to speed up, which is directly related to a humanââ¬â¢s metabolic rate. In fact, studies show that a persons metabolic rate increases between 3% and 11% three hours after consuming caffeine. Also, coffee helps to burn fat in humans. The caffeine contained within coffee is able to affect the speed in which the brain releases stimulants. These chemicals also have effects on the central nervous system, which can cause body fat to break down into the bloodstream in the form of fatty acids, which has its own benefits. Once these fatty acids are released into a personââ¬â¢s blood, they can be converted into fuel, which is used by athletesââ¬â¢ bodies constantly. Besides offering fuel for the muscular system, caffeine releases adrenaline, a hormone that assists the body in physically demanding activity. Caffeine induced adrenaline rushes are a nother example of how coffee helps to strengthen the human body. Clearly, your body benefits from a sufficient intake of bean juice, as wellShow MoreRelated21 Fun Facts About Coffee Essay1496 Words à |à 6 PagesTitle: 21 Fun Facts about Coffee (1600 words) Coffee is one of the most popular beverages on the planet. According to a rough estimate, nearly 400 to 500 billion coffee cups are consumed each year. Astonished? Well, itââ¬â¢s only one of many truly amazing coffee facts. So sit back and enjoy the following list of crazy coffee facts. Crazy Fact 1. Coffee was discovered with the help of crazy goats Like various other discoveries, the magical powers of coffee was discovered with the help of crazy goatsRead MoreTypes Of Communication Of Starbucks Baristas Essay1579 Words à |à 7 Pageslegendary services to its customers. Now Starbucks become the biggest chain coffee company in the world with more than 21 thousand stores around the world and millions of loyal fans. ââ¬Å"Starbucks languageâ⬠can somehow explain why Starbucks is so attractive to people. At Starbucks, Grande latte is probably one of the most frequent terms people hear. But few of them realize that these two words are ââ¬Å"Starbucks languageâ⬠meaning coffee with milk created by Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, in 1985. Howard SchultzRead MoreObservation Study of Starbucks Coffee Essay1163 Words à |à 5 PagesCoffee drinkers all have one thing in common; they want their coffee made to their specification. Most soft drinks, milkshakes, and draft beer are ready made. Coffee has many flavors and that can be an operational nightmare. Starbucks has 10 different types of coffee beans, 12 blends of flavors and loads of special toppings. How can the Starbucks operations be consistent with so many variations? My observation will evaluate the Starbucks processing time. The objective problem statement isRead MoreDo You Want A Cup Of Coffee? Essay1728 Words à |à 7 Pagesyou want a cup of coffee? That question was asked over a thousand of years ago in Ethiopia. From Ethiopia, coffee spread throughout the Arabic world, and then onto Europe, and from there into your cup. Now you know why your coffee is always so cold when you are finally ready to drink it. In the old days, there was one type of coffee; it came in a can, pre-ground, and you went from there. Most of the U.S. really hadn t discovered Arabica coffee and all the various types of Arabica coffee until muchRead MoreMy Experience At Dunkin Donuts823 Words à |à 4 Pagessurrounded by not only coffee but delicious donuts. My experience as a Dunkin Donuts employee taught me patience and the importance of being a hard worker. First, I understood the importance of patience because a cup of coffee is made every second. I started my first day at Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday and quickly learned how busy the weekends can be. I woke up feeling real nervous that morning. I felt even more nervous knowing my parents decided to wake up early as well. ââ¬Å"Mom why are you awake?â⬠Read MoreStarbucks And Its Effect On Starbucks1079 Words à |à 5 Pagesmade 10.7 billion dollars? Who here has ever been to Starbucks? Well I have, they have delightful hot and cold drinks and scrumptious desserts. But did you know Starbucks also owns Teavana. Today Iââ¬â¢m going to talk to you about one of the worldââ¬â¢s most well-known coffee shops in the world; Starbucks. Firstly Iââ¬â¢m going to talk about its history. When first started it was called Pequodââ¬â¢s coffee because Pequod was the name the ownerââ¬â¢s first ship. But they soon settled on Starbucks. Starbucks was foundedRead MoreMy Personal Favorite, Caribou Coffee1282 Words à |à 6 Pages America is fueled by coffee, and many Americans have a specific preference of where/who they buy their coffee from. With that being said, advertising plays a huge part in deciding which coffee is ââ¬Å"best.â⬠There are typical big name brands such as Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, but I chose to focus on my personal favorite, Caribou Coffee. Caribou focuses on delivering a message that there is a lot of life to live, and that their coffee will help you stay awake for it. This advertisement uses pathosRead MoreBenefits Of The Coffee Drink Coffee2071 Words à |à 9 Pagestrillion cups of coffee are consumed each year and that water is the only beverage that is drank more often? How about that half a billion cups are drank each day in the United States alone? That totals over one-hundred and fifty billion cups per year (RandomFacts 1)! Most likely a very small percentage know these facts off hand. Even after being an avid coffee drinker myself for many years this is news to me as well. Just take a moment to think about how many people you see each day with a cup ofRead MoreEssay On Caffeine921 Words à |à 4 Pagestell me why they drink coffee? Well, most people think of it as a powerful drink that gives them energy whenever they need it. I am here to tell you that coffee works a lot differently than most of us think. It does something completely different than what you might expect to your body. And coffee is not the same for everyone, to some living things itââ¬â¢s even poisonous. Even its name is deceiving because coffee is not even a bean at all. I am not here to dissuade you from drinking coffee, but ratherRead MoreThe Pros Of Drinking Coffee Essay1990 Words à |à 8 Pagesup, I was always told not to drink coffee because it supposedly was bad for my health and was very addicting; a bad habit. Due to not being presented the pros of drinking coffee every day, I never understood why people drank it in the first place. As I aged, I became aware o f these pros, but I didnââ¬â¢t know if the pros and cons I was told about were true for everyone. I also wasnââ¬â¢t certain if I knew of all the possible pros and cons, simply because I never drank coffee before. To erase this state
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Developing Effective Decision Models Essay examples
Week 2 Page 1 Decision Models ââ¬â Problem Categorization LDSP: 6720 ââ¬â Developing Effective Decision Models June 14, 2010 Week 2 Page 2 There are a number of different problem solving methods, techniques and styles, and the purpose of this paper is to explore some of those differences. One can apply a systematic approach to problem solving, an emotional approach or an intuitive or ââ¬Ëgut feelââ¬â¢ approach. Further, there are procedures and formulas to follow or, one can just pontificate the variables and use a philosophical slant which involves perspectives such as ââ¬Å"In order to fully understand the answer, one must more fully understand the questionâ⬠(Chinese proverb, author unknown).â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is this writersââ¬â¢ contention that satisfying solutions are similar to a compromise, in which ones primary needs are met but perhaps the secondary or peripheral wants are not fully realized. In contrast, a win-win may be that collaborative solution in which the needs and wants Week 2 Page 3 of both parties are fully attained. This approach has been proposed by a number of researchers; however the Thomas-Kilmann (1974) assessment seems to be the most prevalent. A win-win (or collaborative) tactic may require a thought process that engages extra or additional criteria, characteristics, options, behaviors or variables that were not originally included in the problem. It is similar to enlarging the pie (Fisher, Ury Patton, 1991), instead of just cutting the pie up given the existing size. In adding to the pie, the problem solver and participants enjoy the luxury of an expanded set of resources, ideas or possible solutions heretofore not available. The best analogy this author has come upon is the concept of two circles that intersect with about ten percent of each circle overlapping the other. Each party has their ninety percent to themselves, but their other ten percent overlaps the other party, which in essence gives them twenty percent. Hence, the one hundred percent pie can become a one hundred and ten percent pie, giving each side an additional ten percent.Show MoreRelatedDeveloping Effective Decision Models1692 Words à |à 7 PagesWee k 6 Page 1 Decision Models ââ¬â Problem Analysis LDSP: 6720 ââ¬â Developing Effective Decision Models July12, 2010 Week 2 Page 2 There are a number of different problem solving methods, techniques and styles, and the purpose of this paper is to review the analysis portion as it relates to the case study assigned to this week. Further, this paper will provide a critique to the solution of the case study problem which will include three distinctRead MoreDecision Making : An Essential Skill Of A Productive And Successful Manager1089 Words à |à 5 PagesDecision-making is an essential skill of a productive and successful manager as it has direct impact on the organization and team. Decision-making is the process of ââ¬Ëselecting an alternative from among choices that are accessible.ââ¬â¢ There are three main models of decision-making, these include rational, intuition and bounded rationality model. These provide an effective option of dealing with decision-making, and also helps to build support for the final decision and active commitment to that decisionsRead MoreInformation Decision Making1339 Words à |à 6 PagesCMI LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP (5D1) Assignment 5 Unit 5006 C5009 Project development and control Unit 5002 Information based decision making Andor Kovacs CMI no: 4205133 Assignment 5_Submission1 AEA group Assignment Requirements 5002.....................................................................................4 Learning Outcome 1: Be able to identify and select sources of data and information .....................................................................Read MoreDecision Making Model882 Words à |à 4 PagesRUNNING HEAD: DECISION MAKING MODEL Decision Making Model MGT 350 University of Phoenix Abstract Decision making models can be very effective in problem solving. Scheduling is a big problem at Direct HomeHealth Care and a solution needed to be found. Scheduling software which can be very expensive was the only conclusion that could be reached. With much thought and analysis a resolution was reached with critical thought and a decision making model from the Small Business DevelopmentRead More Decision Making Model Essay854 Words à |à 4 PagesDecision Making Model Abstract à à à à à Decision making models can be very effective in problem solving. Scheduling is a big problem at Direct HomeHealth Care and a solution needed to be found. Scheduling software which can be very expensive was the only conclusion that could be reached. With much thought and analysis a resolution was reached with critical thought and a decision making model from the Small Business Development Center. 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The Resignation Speech of President Richard M. Nixon Free Essays
The Nixon era of American history will be considered one of the most tumultuous times the nation has faced. Elected in 1968, Nixon was faced with a nation divided by the War in Vietnam, racial tension and economic disparity. International tensions were no less; Communist China was a great unknown enemy and the Cold War with Russia seemed on the verge of turning into a ââ¬Å"hotâ⬠and potentially nuclear conflict at any moment. We will write a custom essay sample on The Resignation Speech of President Richard M. Nixon or any similar topic only for you Order Now Six years later, following the infamous break-in at the Watergate Hotel and facing impeachment, Richard M. Nixon delivered his resignation speech on August 8, 1974. His speech is clearly a primary document necessary for understanding Nixon and his perspective on himself as well as on the Watergate fiasco. Obviously Nixon did not have a generous amount of time to prepare the speech, such as he would have with a typi-cal State of the Union address. It is also likely he wished, in retrospect, to have more time to craft a finer product. Nonetheless, he realized the magnitude and uniqueness of the document, although at the time he probably did not realize the candid insight into his atti-tude and personality that it would provide. Facing impeachment as well as the possibility of criminal charges, it is likely Nix-on strongly felt the legal implications of any admissions he would make. Whether inten-tional or not, his speech gave strength to his detractors who considered him the deceitful ââ¬Å"Tricky Dickâ⬠. Few if any of his supporters, much less detractors, expected him to shoul-der any blame for the illegal activities and cover-ups. The closest he could come to an admission of wrong-doing carried a self-serving caveat: ââ¬Å"I regret deeply any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision. I would say only that if some of my judgments were wrong, and some were wrong, they were made in what I believed at the time to be the best interest of the nation. â⬠Later revelations brought about through the White House Tapes would indicate Mr. Nixon had other interests, in-cluding his own political survival, in mind as well. Nixon took the approach of being a wounded warrior giving up a just cause ââ¬Å"for the good of the countryâ⬠. He does not refer to the act or use ââ¬Å"impeachmentâ⬠; rather, he calls it ââ¬Å"the constitutional processâ⬠and although he ââ¬Å"felt stronglyâ⬠to see it through, he incongruously declared ââ¬Å"to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliber-ately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future. â⬠He claims he has ââ¬Å"never been a quitterâ⬠and had always ââ¬Å"taken heartâ⬠in Theodore Roose-veltââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"man in the arenaâ⬠speech, and quotes it in its entirety. It would be nothing short of delightful to hear Teddy Rooseveltââ¬â¢s response. He claims he ââ¬Å"preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involvedâ⬠and despite his family urging him onward, he reluctantly resigns because ââ¬Å"the interests of the nation must always come before any personal considera-tions. â⬠Therefore, he believes he can take credit for making the nation better: ââ¬Å"I hope I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America. â⬠In other words, America has me to thank for removing the noose around the governmentââ¬â¢s neck which I so carefully knotted. Nixon was known as a man who often forgot his friends but never forgot an ene-my. Therefore it was pleasant to see his reformation: ââ¬Å"And to those who have not felt able to give me your support, let me say I leave with no bitterness toward those who have op-posed me, because all of us, in the final analysis, have been concerned with the good of the country, however our judgments might differ. â⬠Once again, later revelations would indicate Nixon was beyond bitterness, and fully capable of destroying any real or poten-tial enemy, if it was in his power to do so without accountability. In retrospect, after thirty-plus years, the document really is, in a sense, Richard Nixon. A career politician, he was indeed a fighter from his days in Congress to facing off with Premier Nikita Khrushchev at the U. N. while Eisenhowerââ¬â¢s Vice President. As president he shut down a ghastly war he inherited in Vietnam and took it upon himself to open relations with China and strengthen relations with the Arab states. Yet there was Tricky Dick, craw-fishing to the nation, claiming ââ¬Å"some judgments were wrongâ⬠, but you know, I did it because I had the nationââ¬â¢s interests at heart. Truly a man of complexity and contradictions, his ââ¬Å"rehabilitationâ⬠with the American public took years, and he never re-ally reached the ââ¬Å"senior statesmenâ⬠rank more easily carried by Jimmie Carter and even Gerald Ford. No doubt anyone in his position would like to go back and redo such a unique and pivotal document. In todayââ¬â¢s political arena even a finger-wagging ââ¬Å"I did not have relations with that womanâ⬠Clinton, himself a veteran of ââ¬Å"the constitutional processâ⬠can find rapid ââ¬Å"rehabilitationâ⬠. One wonders whether some judicious and non-exculpatory editing on Nixonââ¬â¢s part would have hastened his recovery. Ending his presidency as no predecessor had, Nixon found it necessary to use al-most half of his address to extol the virtues and accomplishments of his presidency. Sad-ly, it sounds hollow, as ââ¬Å"if no one else will tell you I left the world a better place, than I willâ⬠. In essence, it is a very sad document indeed, and Nixon supporters at the time felt the sting of humiliation and the disgrace of a remarkable hero while his opponents could point to his final words as president as a fitting memento of a failed and bitter man. His final speech helped place him in history in a way he never could have imagined. How to cite The Resignation Speech of President Richard M. Nixon, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
What Were the Origins of the 6 Day War of 1967 free essay sample
This was mainly due to the fear that the Israelis had struck into their enemies, after their fearsome show at the Suez Crisis on the 29th October 1956, in which they captured the whole Peninsula in Egypt. However, on the contrast, the Egyptians, and hence the Arab countries had gained the backing of the USSR, who were looking to expand their sphere of influence into the Middle East. The latter, would prove a main reason for the eventual conflict between the Arabs and the Israelites, as the Arabs felt far more secure with the backing of a major superpower. Furthermore, Israel would be forced to defend themselves against the Arabs. Long-term causes of the Six Day War predate back to 1948. Firstly, Arab-Israeli enmity persisted since Israels creation (the 14th of May 1948) by the UN-Partition-Plan, which was formally recognized from November of 1947. Jewish-Israel was carved into Palestine against the will of its Arab-residents due to religious and political reasons. We will write a custom essay sample on What Were the Origins of the 6 Day War of 1967? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, Arab-Israeli border tensions increased due to the 1948-49 wars. Israels invasion of more Palestinian land as reprisals to Palestinian-terrorist and Arab-Nations resulted in more Palestinian-refugees. Thus, with Arabian-governments continual refusals of Israels existence, Israel refused to return Palestinian land, consequentially, relations worsened. This tension, undoubtedly, proved one of the major causes of this conflict. Nasser had failed to unite Egypt with their neighbours Syria, and was stuck in a long and seemingly futile civil war in Yemen, from 1962-65. Thus he seemed weakened, and so felt that he needed to prove himself, and receive the support of his nation again. This was compounded with the fact that he was mocked by a variety of Syrian propaganda which portrayed him as weak and helpless. He desperately needed a convincing win in order to re-assert his authority on his country, and to regain respect from his neighbouring Arab states. Syria pressured Nasser to show his determination to destroy Israel: Syria, in both 1966 and 1967 allowed small scale attacks on Israel. Hence he was almost forced to provoke the Israelis ââ¬â this was attained when he closed, on the 22nd of May, the Gulf of Aqaba ââ¬â a major Israeli shipping route. As already mentioned the Soviets were desperate to increase their sphere of influence and thus offered to provide arms and other equipment for the Arab states. However, the Arabs were not the only side backed by a major superpower. America too, had boosted Israeli military confidence. They had promised to help with the UN, unlike in the Suez Crisis, to counter the Soviet military aid to the Arabs, and to provide some military assurance with its Mediterranean fleet. In Mid-May of 1967, Russia gave a false alarm that Israel is massing around 10-12 brigades in preparation for an attack on Syria, which is supposedly going ahead on the 17th of May. Egypt reacts by putting their troops on alert and reinforcing units in the Sinai. This leads to a front between the two sides, and causes a mass escalation in tension. His show of aggressive rhetoric in closing the Stairs of Tiran antagonized Israel, as Israel desperately needed the Straits of Tiran in order to get oil from its surrounding countries. In 1958, in the wake of the Suez Crisis it had been agreed that any future closing of the Tiran Straits would be seen as an act showing intention for war. Prior to this, Israel had built up a powerful defence force under her new aggressive minister of war, Moshe Dayan, who essentially wanted war. His main idea being that of a pre-emptive strike on the Arab states, to take them by surprise. Thus, when Nasser closed the Straits on May the 22nd 1967, Israel assumed Arab declaration of aggression, and ergo prepared them for war.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Knowin When to Hold em
Knowin When to Hold em Now Iââ¬â¢ll be the first to admit I donââ¬â¢t know a thing about poker. If Kenny Rogers hadnââ¬â¢t sung ââ¬Å"The Gamblerâ⬠, I wouldnââ¬â¢t even know about holdinââ¬â¢ and foldinââ¬â¢. But one thing I do know, thereââ¬â¢s a time to submit my works and thereââ¬â¢s a time to ââ¬Å"holdâ⬠ââ¬Ëem. And I know that because I came close to lettinââ¬â¢ go at the wrong time. Twenty and excited about entering a radio stationââ¬â¢s poetry contest, I rushed through the rules, eager to start writing. All night I lost myself in the narrator, an elderly lady on her porch reliving memories. I chuckled watching the children grow from playing to courting on the porch, I cried seeing the now-empty porch, and rejoiced picturing future reunions on the porch. The next morning, ready to mail my entry, I read the rules again and froze. Iââ¬â¢d overlooked ââ¬Å"Whether or not your poem wins, it will become the property of the radio station.â⬠Whoa! With little chance of winning, I could never submit my poem anywhere else or use it myself? Disappointed, I slipped it in a drawer where it stayed for 15 years until I resigned as college professor to enter full time the field of writing and speaking. For my first tour, I retyped the poem on a more modern typewriter and had 100 copies made on plain white paper.à The first evening, in costume as story teller, I quoted a bit of the poem and following as myself, mentioned it would be available afterward. Iââ¬â¢d laid out 25 copies with a sign, ââ¬Å"Poems: Donation of any sizeâ⬠and while greeting folks heard a yell, ââ¬Å"Go get more poems!â⬠Already all 25 had sold! I hurriedly brought in 25 more only to hear in another few minutes, ââ¬Å"Go get the rest of the poems!â⬠Except for two to use for copying along the way, all had sold. It was the same each place on the two-week tour. Back home I chose a ream of quality buff-colored faux parchment paper and learned if Iââ¬â¢d wait a few days until the store used dark brown ink, the printing could be done commercially for less money. From then on, whether driving or being flown Iââ¬â¢ve taken the poems, although Folks want to take something home from an event but not everyone can buy our books or DVDââ¬â¢s. Smaller printed or craft items make buying possible for those who canââ¬â¢t and lagniappe for those who can. (Lagniappe [lanââ¬â¢ yap], an oft-used term here in Southeastern Louisiana meaning ââ¬Å"a little something extraâ⬠.) If Iââ¬â¢d entered that early contest and won, Iââ¬â¢d have received eight copies of a cheap magazine with few readers. BUT, Glad I decided ââ¬Å"Noâ⬠to ââ¬Å"soldâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Yesâ⬠to ââ¬Å"holdâ⬠!
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Gogatsu byou May Sickness
Gogatsu byou May Sickness After Golden Week (a succession of holidays) is over, a symptom called, Gogatsu byou occurs to some Japanese people. Gogatsu means May and byou means sickness. It is a depression that affects some new students or employees during the first few months of their new life (the Japanese school year starts in April). It is not a medical term and is usually diagnosed as an adjustment disorder. It is always hard to get back to a regular routine after a nice long vacation. Japanese Translation ä ºâæÅ"Ëçâ"⦠ã⠴ãÆ' ¼Ã£Æ' «Ã£Æ'â¡Ã£Æ' ³Ã£â ¦Ã£â £Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£â ¯Ã£ Å'ç µâãâ 㠣ã Ÿã â㠨ã ãââ°Ã£ âã «Ã£â¬ ä ºâæÅ"Ëçâ"â¦Ã£ ¨Ã£ âã â çâ"â¡Ã§Å ¶Ã£ «Ã£ â¹Ã£ â¹Ã£ââ¹Ã¤ º ºÃ£ Å'ã â㠾ã â¢Ã£â¬âæâ" °Ã£ â"ã âçâŸæ ´ »Ã£ââÃ¥ §â¹Ã£â ã ŸãÆ' ¶Ã¦Å"Ë㠮éâ"â㠫ã⬠æâ" °Ã¥â¦ ¥Ã§âŸãââæâ" °Ã¥â¦ ¥Ã§ ¤ ¾Ã¥â ¡Ã£ «Ã£ ¿Ã£ââ°Ã£âÅ'ãââ¹Ã£ â 㠤çâ"â¦Ã£ ®Ã£âËã â 㠪ãââ㠮㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬â(æâ" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ ®Ã¥ ¦Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¥ º ¦Ã£ ¯Ã¥âºâºÃ¦Å"Ëã «Ã¥ §â¹Ã£ ¾Ã£âŠã ¾Ã£ â¢Ã£â¬â) ä ºâæÅ"Ëçâ"â¦Ã£ ¯Ã¥Å' »Ã¥ ¦Ã§Å¡â㠪å ç § °Ã£ §Ã£ ¯Ã£ ªÃ£ ã⬠é ©Ã¥ ¿Å"éšÅ"Ã¥ ® ³Ã£ ¨Ã¨ ¨ ºÃ¦â" ã â¢Ã£âÅ'ãââ¹Ã£ â㠨ã Å'Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã£ â㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âÃ¥ ¹ ¸Ã£ â㠪ã â㠨㠫ã⬠æâ" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã£ §Ã§ § 㠯ä ºâæÅ"Ëçâ"â¦Ã£ «Ã£ â¹Ã£ â¹Ã£ £Ã£ Ÿã â㠨à £ ¯Ã£ âãâŠã ¾Ã£ âºÃ£ââã Å'ã⬠æ ¥ ½Ã£ â"ã âé⢠·Ã£ âä ¼â㠿㠮ã â㠨ã⬠æâ" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸Ã§âŸæ ´ »Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ¤â°Ã£ ªÃ£ââ㠮㠧ã â¢Ã£âËã ãâ¬â Romaji Translation Gooruden wiiku ga owatta ato gurai ni, gogatsu byou to iu shoujou ni kakaru hito ga imasu. Atarashii seikatsu o hajimeta ni, san kagetsu no aida ni, shinnyuusei ya shinnyuushain ni mirareru utsubyou no youna mono desu. (Nihon no gakunendo wa shigatsu ni hajimarimasu.) Gogatsu byou wa igakutekina meishou dewa naku, tekiou shougai to shindan sareru koto ga ooi desu. Saiwaina koto ni, nihon de watashi wa gogatsu byou ni kakatta koto wa arimasen ga, tanoshii nagai yasumi no ato, nichijou seikatsu ni modoru nowa taihenna mono desu yo ne. Note: The translation is not always literal. Beginners Phrase It is always hard to get back to a regular routine after a nice long vacation. Tanoshii nagai yasumi no ato, nichijou seikatsu ni modoru nowa taihenna mono desu.㠟㠮ã â"ã â 㠪ã Å'ã â ãââã â¢Ã£ ¿Ã£ ®Ã£ â㠨ã⬠㠫㠡ã Ëãââ¡Ã£ â ã âºÃ£ âã â¹Ã£ ¤Ã£ « ãââ㠩ãââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£ ¯ ã Ÿã â㠸ãââ㠪ãââ㠮㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬âæ ¥ ½Ã£ â"ã âé⢠·Ã£ âä ¼â㠿㠮ã â㠨ã⬠æâ" ¥Ã¥ ¸ ¸Ã§âŸæ ´ »Ã£ «Ã¦Ë »Ã£ââ¹Ã£ ®Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ¤â°Ã£ ªÃ£ââ㠮㠧ã â¢Ã£â¬â
Friday, February 14, 2020
Environmental Factors Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Environmental Factors Paper - Essay Example Toyota is one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading car manufacturing companies which produce and market more than 8 million cars every year. It has a global presence with manufacturing units in more than 27 countries and vehicles sold in more than 170 countries and regions (Toyota, 2010). This paper discusses how various environmental factors affect the marketing decisions of Toyota. Influence of global economic interdependence and the impact of trade practices and agreements It is quite important that Toyota understand the importance of economic interdependence and the impact of trade practices since the current economic situation calls all the countries in the world to be highly interdependent. Toyota can efficiently procure the vehicle parts from specific countries and strategically increase the market share in the countries where they do business. On May 2009, Toyota reported a record loss of $4.2 billion due to the global financial crisis. This shows that the performance of the firm is highly related to global economic conditions. Differences in tariffs, taxes and trade agreements between different countries need to be considered while pricing the products. A high import duty will make a country less attractive to do business with. On the other hand a subsidy on international trade will make a country more attractive to trade. Importance of demographics and physical infrastructure Demographics and physical infrastructure are both macro environmental factors that affect the marketing decision of any firm. The marketing decisions of Toyota are shaped by the demographic factors of human population such as size, location, gender, occupation, race, etc. For example, Toyota cannot supply vehicles to a location where it does not get a cost advantage. So it has to decide on the feasibility of opening a manufacturing unit in that location if the consumer demand is high. The demographic environment can also be classified on the basis of generations. They are Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. The needs and aspirations of these different generations are different in the form of vehicle design, performance, mileage, pricing etc. Promotional measures should also be made in order to give the right appeal for each of these segments. Physical infrastructure also plays a major role in designing the marketing decisions of Toyota. The vehicles marketed in one country may not be apt for some other countries due to the infrastructure those countries have. In such cases, there needs to be a structural redesign on the vehicle before it can be marketed to such countries. Also the availability of good physical infrastructure will help determine whether it is beneficial to open up manufacturing units for reasons of easy availability of energy, water supply, telecommunication facility, etc. Influence of Cultural Differences Toyota has over the years developed an image of trust and value among the minds of the customers. The marketing strategies will be aime d at making people associate themselves with these qualities in order to affect their purchase decision. People perceive Toyota as a lifestyle brand in some countries whereas in some other countries they consider it as a quality brand. It is the ability of the marketing department that enables Toyota to position the vehicles in the minds of the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Poetry and Politics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Poetry and Politics Paper - Essay Example Bryant opens his poem with the recognition that slavery represents not only a ââ¬Å"great wrongâ⬠but also a slow and painful journey in race relations (The Death of Slavery, Line 1). Bryant opens Death of Slavery with: O THOU great Wrong, that, through the slow-paced years, Didst hold they millions fettered, and didst wield The scourge that drove the labourer to the field, And turn a stony gaze on human tears, They cruel reign is oââ¬â¢er.... (The Death of Slavery, 1900, First Stanza). Thus for Bryantââ¬â¢s The Death of Slavery, represents not only a reminder of the pain and suffering associated with the oppression of one race over another, but its place in history also serves as a reminder that mankind can and has overcome the worst of evils punctuating race relations in history. Bryantââ¬â¢s last stanza of The Death of Slavery pulls this realization together as follows: I see the better years that hasten by Carry thee back into that shadowy past, Where, in the dusty spaces, void and vast, The graves of those whom thou hast murdered lie. The slave-pen, through whose door Thy victims pass no more...(The Death of Slavery, 1900, Last Stanza). ... Bryant (1900) likewise recalls that this ââ¬Å"grimâ⬠past: At which the slave was sold; while at thy feet Scourges and engines of restraint and pain Moulder and rust by thine eternal seat. There, mid the symbols that proclaim they crimes, Dwell thou, a warning to the coming times (The Death of Slavery, 1900, Last Stanza). In other words, recalling the evils of the past, serves as a caution to resist evil of any kind relative to race relations among mankind. Obama likewise, sees the utility in remembering the cruel past. Obama stated that he felt it was a significant visit for his daughters as they would be encouraged to fight cruel oppression of any kind to prevent this kind of history repeating itself. Thomas Mertonââ¬â¢s And the Children of Birmingham was written in the 1960s amidst the race movement in the US during that time. The poem reflects on the bombing in Birmingham, Alabama that killed Black children staging a protest in the 1960s against the oppression of Black in the US is also instructive. And the Children of Birmingham likewise calls attention to the cruel pass in terms of race relations and also speaks to manââ¬â¢s ability to overcome this kind of cruel legacy. Herron (2005) informs that from Mertonââ¬â¢s perspective however, the death of the children in Birmingham is less about marking the history of race relations among Americans. Instead, And the Children of Birmingham is more about hope and this hope is expressed by calling upon Americans everywhere to look upon all Americans as equals, as brothers and sisters (2005). And The Children of Birmingham draws attention to the innocent victims and inheritors of the evils of cruel race relations
Friday, January 24, 2020
Military Ethics â⬠Humanitarian Aid in Somalia Essay -- Somalian Histor
In August of 1992, President George Bush Sr. sent US soldiers into Somalia to provide humanitarian relief to those Somalis suffering from starvation. The major problems in Somalia started when President Mohammed Siad Barre was overthrown by a coalition of opposing clans. Although there were several opposing groups, the prominent one was led by Mohammed Farah Aidid. Following the overthrow of Barre, a massive power struggle ensued. These small scale civil wars led to the destruction of the agriculture in Somalia, which in turn led to the deprivation of food in large parts of the country. When the international community heard of this, large quantities of food were sent to ease Somali suffering. However, clan leaders like Aidid routinely hijacked food and exchanged it for weapons leaving thousands to starve to death. An estimated 300,000 Somalis died between 1991 and 1992 (Clancy 234-236). US soldiers were later sent into Somalia to capture Aidid, but when the operation got bloody, dis pleasing the American public, Clinton withdrew troops (Battersby 151). In The Morality of War, Brian Orend outlines ethical guidelines that should be followed in all three stages of war: jus ad bellum, jus in bello, and jus post bellum. Orend states that a nation can be moral going into war, but immoral coming out of one. Did the US act justly in all facets of the Somali conflict? The United States espoused all the guiding principles of jus ad bellum but right intent, upheld the principals of jus in bello, and clearly failed to uphold several aspects of jus post bellum during the armed humanitarian intervention in Somalia. Jus ad bellum is defined as ââ¬Å"justice of warâ⬠and is recognized as the ethics leading up to war (Orend 31). Orend contends that an... ...ed to uphold to the standards of jus post bellum. It is evident when one looks at Somalia today. Somalia still lacks a strong central government and several thousands, if not millions, of Somalis are at risk of starvation due to drought. Again, the United States entered the conflict failing to adhere to all the principals of jus ad bellum, espousing the principles of jus in bello, and inadequately upholding those of jus post bellum. The US entered the war an unjust nation, and left the conflict in a rather unjust manner. As a result, Somalia faces hardship over two decades later with no signs of a hasty recovery. Even worse, with the problem lingering and the international debt crisis, few countries are willing to intervene in Africa to cut out a solution. How long will the world let Somali people starve and whose job is it to intervene if America is unwilling?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Example of Significance of the Study
The study of dehydration technology and craft fabrication can be a learning paradigm in the secondary level and vocational schools to enhance the studentsââ¬â¢ knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as well. This is but a small contribution with the Dakar Framework for Action (2000) that not only basic education be learned by todayââ¬â¢s students but acquisition of learning skills and knowledge for gainful employment and full participation in countryââ¬â¢s society. The projectââ¬â¢s goal is designed to help students improve academic competence, develop employability skills, implement a career plan and participate in a career pathway in preparation for post secondary education or careers in the food manufacturing or services sector after graduating from high school. This goal can be achieved through the mentors that can teach the students the food dehydration technology and craft fabrication for use of the process. The output of this study is a source material that the teachers can assimilate and disseminate by diffusion and induction technique. SAMPLE OF SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Significance of the study This section will provide brief description on the various significances of the study given the three categories Educational, Technological and Economic. To students. The proposed study serves the students as their reference or guide in creating their program. It will also help students taking computer related courses to identify the best programming language to use. To teachers. The proposed study will help teachers to have a deeper understanding to the said programming languages. By this study they will come up with easier and powerful program. To future researcher. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Designing A Literacy Program Is Making The Blocks - 912 Words
Constructing a literacy program is assembling the blocks in some logical way and then reassembling them when necessary. The program helps the philosophy that all students can learn to read and have high expectations for students. First set that is a part of the program is setting goals focuses on setting basic information down for the children to have a foundation of what they have to do. The goals may be based off of the school district curriculum or state standards. The teacher should pick the goal for the literacy program and bring it among the other teachers to agree on one. Second set that is a part of the program is choosing materials. The goals and philosophy lead into the materials and activities. Materials should include fiction and nonfiction books, plus informational. Everything should be included because children have different tastes. A whole bunch of materials should be included for back up plans and activity use. The third set that is a part of this program is selectin g techniques and strategies. Teachers that are effective teachers with have a lot of techniques that they can use to fit the needs of their students. Teachers make the call to when it is time to change to a different technique. The fourth set that is a part of this program is building motivation. Motivating students help the students stay engaged in school and the teacher has a pace that she can stay. The fifth set that is a part of this program is building sense of Community. This is usedShow MoreRelatedThe Electronic Health Record And The Movement Toward The Digital Age1716 Words à |à 7 Pagesand the enforcement authority of these agencies for patients with positive HIV. 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